Calls from relatives... deceased relatives


 People have contacted the dead at all times, using all possible methods: through dreams, appearing shadows and various sound phenomena, both spontaneous and forcibly generated in a trance state. The initiators of contact are also the dead themselves, using methods that seem from their point of view to be the most effective.


A very interesting modern phenomenon is calls from deceased relatives or friends via telephone. These calls are still a big mystery to science. Usually such contacts occur among people who communicated very well during their lifetime, with a tight spiritual connection: husband and wife, parents and children, grandchildren and other relatives dear to each other. Calls may occur with the definite intention of the deceased to say something to the person remaining here. This could be some kind of warning about impending disaster, or other important information.

Thus, the father of the artist I. Lupino, who died in England in the forties without writing a will, called her six months later to tell her his last will. He told her about a special hiding place where important documents were kept. Some calls from departed relatives occur during a period filled with certain emotional events. Such events may include someone’s birthday or other celebration. The words of a dead person may not carry any meaning, for example, “Hello, how are you?” will be repeated many times in the telephone receiver.

People who have received calls from their deceased relatives or acquaintances say that the voice of the deceased cannot be distinguished from the present. In addition, the dead love to use pet names in conversation. In such cases, the phone rings as always, although there is limited evidence that the ringing still sounds weak and unnatural. Very rarely the communication quality of the calls described is of good quality. Usually on the line you can hear a lot of different noises and voices breaking into the conversation.

Because of this, it is often quite difficult to understand the words of the speaker, and the voice gradually fades towards the end of the conversation. He may even disappear for no reason at all, although the connection is not interrupted. After that, the receiver says that the person will be called back later. If the conversation is stopped at the request of the deceased, the person hears a sound as if he hung up the receiver of a regular telephone.

Usually, once a person realizes that the call is coming from a dead person, their conversation quickly ends due to shock.
Calls from the deceased cannot be traced; the caller's number is not stored anywhere.

But it also happens the other way around, when a living and healthy person calls his relative, who died shortly before. A similar story happened with one girl who saw a friend in her dream whom she had not met for four years. In the dream, my friend was lying motionless on the floor, and everything around her was stained with blood. In the morning, the girl began to worry a lot and came to the conclusion that she had to call her friend. She answered the call as if nothing had happened. It turned out that she is currently in the hospital, but soon she will be able to return home, so she invites the girl to visit. However, it seemed that she did not expect to receive consent, since she immediately began to object and worry, and in the end she generally said that she had no time and would call later. She didn't call back. Already on another call from the girl, one of the relatives answered the phone, saying that her friend had died last summer.

According to some stories about calls, the deceased spoke about certain creatures that they called “they.” According to the callers, it is “they” who make it possible to get in touch with the living, so the conversation time is always strictly limited. This confirms that contact between the dead and this world is very difficult, and is also prohibited unless there is a special need for it.

Very often, calls from deceased relatives or friends are made within one day from the moment of death. Short calls are typical in cases where a person “passed away” to another world within a week. The maximum recorded period for a call after a person’s death is one and a half years. It is extremely rare that the callers turn out to be complete strangers. However, even in such cases they act at the request of one of their close relatives or friends.

This mysterious phenomenon of telephone calls from deceased people has three main types:
-real calls from the dead, inexplicably affecting the electronic circuits of communications;
- jokes of spirits who amuse themselves in this way;
-unconscious psychokinetic influence of the person himself. The reason may be a great desire to talk to a certain person who is no longer alive.

Parapsychologists do not pay much attention to the phenomenon of otherworldly phone calls.

This phenomenon has some similarities with when a call goes from living person to living person. The first of them just has the thought of making a call to the second person in his head. However, due to certain reasons, he does not embody his mCome into reality. At the same time, the second person’s phone still starts ringing. In some cases, calls from ghosts are caused by certain vital circumstances. So, a mother (dead) calls an ambulance on the phone because her own son/daughter is at home in serious condition.

People who have encountered UFOs and aliens have told how they received unusual calls. Usually they called on the same day that such contact occurred, or within the next few days. In this case, people call from people whom the person has never known. Such people are warned that they must remain silent and never again remember what happened to them.

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