Science has long known such a phenomenon as Long Delay Echo - receiving an echo of a radio signal with a time delay. This phenomenon has been recorded by many researchers. It consists in the fact that radio stations, having transmitted a radio signal into space, received back the echo of the sent signal. The echo was also recorded by third-party stations tuned to the same frequency. The signal delay ranges from several seconds to one minute. The power of the radio signal is almost not lost, as if someone was relaying it. The duration of the delay does not affect the power of the received echo at all. Scientists have noticed that the echo manifests itself more clearly at new frequencies that have not yet been mastered. Over time and as radio stations occupy the range, a frequency shift, wave blur, and time compression between pulses of the received radio signal relative to the sent one are observed.
Echo reception continues to this day. Researcher I.N. Grigorov experimentally established that LDE operates in the wave range of 13-30 meters. Waves of this frequency can go beyond the Earth's ionosphere.
In the middle of the 20th century, another theory was put forward. Signals sent from Earth are relayed by the alien probe without loss of power. Based on the delay time of the relayed signal, the probe can transmit information about its location. However, this theory is also bursting at the seams: it is unlikely that an extraterrestrial civilization would use such a complex and dubious method of establishing communication with the Earth. And the presence of an alien probe in near-Earth orbit has not been confirmed experimentally.
There is an official hypothesis explaining the reception of the radio signal echo. According to this hypothesis, waves in space are reflected from a fluctuating plasma formation. However, this assumption has one main drawback - the waves reflected in this way will be distorted, which contradicts the experimental results. In addition, digital radio signals are received without distortion.
Based on all this, the phenomenon of radio echo remains a mystery today. Existing hypotheses about the reflection and retransmission of radio signals can neither be proven nor disproved by modern science.
1) Hypothesis of alternative realities.
There is a very bold and new hypothesis that combines both natural and artificial factors: LDE is sent by a doppelganger radio transmitter located in an alternate reality. The received radio signal in this case is not an echo, since its source is an independent transmitter. It works like this: after a radio signal is emitted by a transmitter in “our” world, a radio signal from another world similar to ours is received with a slight delay. Most likely, certain conditions must be met for LDE to fixate.
A large number of received radio signals means the presence of many alternative realities in which exactly the same alternative radio transmitters are present. The very fact of receiving signals from alternative stations is explained by resonance in the world air - a process with the same frequency of e/m oscillations exists simultaneously in all versions of history. Presumably, it is possible to record the existence of alternative worlds if we create a resonance of simultaneous e/m processes in the ether - the global world environment.
The current reality for us will be the option that contains a significant number of witnesses and has the maximum probability of implementation with a minimum of energy losses.
This hypothesis converges in the works of physicist H. Everett “Quantum mechanics based on the “relative state”.
The LDE phenomenon within the framework of the new hypothesis is a particular manifestation of the fundamental principles of nature, with which other phenomena and concepts are associated, so many different approaches will be touched upon below.
To explain the radio echo phenomenon, we can go the following way: imagine that in addition to the four main dimensions (3 spatial plus time), there is also a fifth one, reflecting the path of development of events. Since all these realities will exist in the ether common to all worlds, there must be the possibility of transmitting information between them. Then a static concept of time will be used, when the past, present, and future exist simultaneously.
The similar reality is almost identical to ours, but due to some discrepancies in the course of events, it will be slightly different. Moreover, alternative realities have different probabilities for the realization of identical events and can appear and disappear from the observer in the current reality, merging and branching off from it.
Different delays in receiving radio signals from alternate realities are due to different time tempos. The local time tempo of a reality may depend on its internal energy.
In no case should the tempo of time be confused with physical time. The physical course of time is the same for all worlds, since it is determined by the properties of our Universe. The pace of time characterizes the frequency of events in reality. They can happen faster and more often, or they can happen more slowly.
As a result, an event similar to the two realities from the point of view of the current reality will occur later. If the reception of a radio signal comes from a reality with a lagging time tempo, then in our reality we will record LDE. But why is there no resonance with a reality that is ahead of ours at a pace of time? Because in the current reality the condition for resonance has not yet occurred. Otherwise, the radio echo could have been noticed before the transmission began. However, there have been cases where the result of an event that has not yet occurred in the current reality was observed. This means that it is possible to interact with reality that is ahead of ours.
The multivariance of the future and past can be represented in the form of a chessboard with pieces placed, where each situation can be preceded by many different sequences of moves.
Russian researcher S.B. Pereslegin established that the development of world history can be formally described on the basis of the equations of quantum mechanics. This leads to certain conclusions.
According to Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, it is impossible to simultaneously determine the position and momentum of an electron. This may be explained by the fact that the particle moves along an infinite number of possible trajectories at once. The principle of fractal similarity makes it possible to apply this approach to the macrocosm. Perhaps our Earth moves in space and time along all permissible historical trajectories at once, simultaneously realizing each of the options for its existence. After all, if particles that are the “building blocks” of matter exist in all their variants at once, why shouldn’t systems built on them comply with this principle.
According to the general theory of relativity, space-time is characterized by dynamism. This means that, theoretically, ghostly Universes can exist, generated by fluctuations in space-time, independent of our geometric and space-time parameters.
receiving a radio signal from an alternative reality
2) Nikola Tesla's theories.
The difference in the states of the selected system (variants of reality) at the pace of time is always associated with the difference in the spatial coordinates of these states (for example, alternative planets Earth). This difference in coordinates is located relative to the center of rotation of the Universe - the zero point, and has an uncertain probabilistic nature. Therefore, alternative realities have a phase shift relative to the current reality, if we take the zero point as the reference point.
The displacement relative to the zero point leads to the fact that the matter of alternative realities has an unequal frequency of its own oscillations. This is why we do not see alternative objects in our world. Related realities are geometrically nearby, but cannot influence each other materially, since the moments of the existence of one reality fall during the moments of non-existence of the other. Only information communication is permissible when a resonance of coherent “mirror” twin processes occurs.
When studying the physical interaction of realities, the concept of the Serbian scientist Nikola Tesla plays a significant role. He assumed that our material world is just a hologram of standing waves with ether vibrations at a fixed frequency. Different frequencies of vibration of the ether will give rise to different worlds with different frequencies of vibration of the substance inside them.
Realities that differ from each other in ether vibration frequencies are geometrically spaced from each other. When the vibration amplitude of one world is maximum (the world is material), the vibration amplitudes of other worlds drop below mc2. This means that for the current world, other worlds will not exist due to differences in phase.
Tesla believed that realities are located in a five-dimensional universe with a phase shift according to the law of octaves. The space-time intervals between alternative worlds are geometrically united by the “golden ratio”. The sources for this theory were the philosophical teachings of Anaxagoras, Leucippus and Democritus.
The passage of time on Earth, in the views of Nikola Tesla, is determined by the phase of rotation of the Earth, the Galaxy and the Universe as a whole. Realities are created relative to the zero point. Thus, the universe looks like a rotating torus with a zero point playing the role of an axial hole. The vibrations of the world ether are of a vortex nature. The outer surface of the torus is expanding, as evidenced by the retreat of galaxies. The angular velocity of rotation relative to the zero point, that is, the speed of time, is equal to the speed of light in a vacuum, therefore the propagation of any vibration of the rotational component does not exceed the speed of light. In addition, the world circulation does not exclude a change in the direction of rotation (the passage of time). Obviously, when changing the direction of rotation, the outer surface of the world torus will decrease infinitely.
Representation of time, according to the theories of Nikola Tesla.
Historical time is determined by the movement of the planet relative to the zero point, i.e. phase relative to the beginning of rotation (transition of the world torus from expansion to compression). Since these cycles happen is infinite, then the universe cannot have a beginning or an end, and the Universe will exist forever.
Options for the future are just ahead of our reality in rotation relative to the zero point, options for the past, on the contrary, are lagging behind. In different realities, the gravitational indicators of the Earth are practically the same, so the proper time of similar processes will be coherent.
Changing the rotation phase of a region of the Universe can make it possible to realize variants of history. This means that diverse realities have the ability to move closer and further apart.
Different variations of history can coincide in one reality, which is why alternative worlds disappear. Managing the creation and destruction of alternative worlds from the point of view of an observer of current reality is associated with a change in the probability of certain events that determine the further course of history.
According to some assumptions, Tesla was endowed with the gift of penetrating into other realities and communicating with their representatives. In the course of his research, he managed to assemble a device that could bring the brain into resonance with worlds different in phase from ours. There is even documentary evidence that Tesla used this high-frequency device quite often in his laboratory at Wardenclyffe.
3) How radio echo propagates in physical space.
Based on Tesla's theories, we will try to explain how radio echo spreads across the Earth. Let's imagine how, at the moment of local time t, a radio transmitter begins to send signal 1 into space. It is assumed that somewhere in an alternative reality there is exactly the same transmitter transmitting exactly the same signal at the same frequency at the moment of its local time t. The geometric phase shift is chosen so that the alternative Earth is located not far from ours, and it has a lagging time tempo.
As a result of the action of a coherent electromagnetic oscillatory process, a resonance occurs in the ether, as a result of which, after a short delay, a radio signal transmitted by an alternative transmitter will be received in our reality. The delay is made up of the difference in the rate of time and the time it takes for the radio signal to travel in the vicinity of the Earth.
After some time, the transmitter in our reality transmits radio signal 2. However, during this period of time, the probability of world events occurring has been transformed, and there is already another alternative reality with a different phase shift. In this alternative reality, there is also a radio transmitter that emitted radio signal 2. In the current reality, the radio signal is received again, but with a different delay time.
In cases where several similar alternate realities take place, the radio echo may be repeated several times.
4) Where does the echo disappear when mastering radio frequencies?
According to the hypothesis, the disappearance of the echo due to the occupation of new radio frequencies means a transformation of probabilities. As the probability of an event increases (for example, the transmission of a radio signal at a certain frequency), the number of alternative versions of reality regarding this event decreases. It turns out that the development of a new range of frequencies increases the likelihood of radio transmissions in this range, and as a result - a decrease in the number of alternative realities where this broadcast occurred. Indeed, the more the range is mastered, the higher the chance that radio broadcasts will be carried out in it.
5) A possible consequence of the hypothesis is chronotechnology.
Theoretically, instrumental (technical) examination of alternative worlds is acceptable, and therefore an artificial change in the probabilities of their implementation.
The LDE phenomenon can be used to receive radio signals from transmitter twins and use them to calculate the convergence of similar history variations.
It can also be assumed that not only a radio wave, but also a witness (human) can travel among alternative realities.
Let's imagine that there is a version of history similar to ours with very minor differences. This means that these two realities have very minor differences in rotational phase and frequency shifts. Geometrically, they are extremely close to each other. The technical inspection process for an alternate world might look something like this:
1. By receiving a radio signal from an alternative reality, the presence of an alternative Earth is detected;
2. A strong vortex electromagnetic field is created around the human witness, modulating the electromagnetic structure of the witness;
3. The natural frequency of a person’s oscillation is modified relative to the zero point so that he begins to oscillate at the frequency of the selected alternative version of the Earth;
4. As a result of modulation of the natural frequency of vibration and a small geometric displacement, a person begins to be present in the space of an alternative world and see an alternative reality.
During the transition process, it is necessary to be as careful as possible, since having started observing an alternative reality, but still being in the current one, a person can literally “pass through "beyond the wall" if the said wall is not in the alternative reality. Physically it will look like this: a person visually dissolves, geometrically moving along the path of maximum probability, but the environment around him retains all electromagnetic interactions with him, which gradually weaken as the person transitions to another reality along the branch of the option. Moreover, if a person’s movement along the branch of the option is the most probable for him, this process will take place without the expenditure of energy, or even with its release - the person can disappear from the current reality forever. Movement to a less probable option requires the expenditure of energy - the person will be pushed back.
From the point of view of the witness, he will find himself in a version of the future or past. If, during his movement in an alternative version, this option merged with the current reality, then the person ends up in the current reality with the imprint of a time shift, since his pace in the parallel world was somewhat different. The witness may also know something that has not taken place in the current reality, or something that has not yet happened.
It must be said that when examining another reality, a cause-and-effect relationship remains. It is the basis for artificial transformation of the probability of the embodiment of any version of history. By changing something in a version of the future, even just observing it, a person increases the chance of realizing a version of the past, where this action is compensated. Therefore, upon returning, the subject will no longer find himself in his past. This means that by doing something in the future, the subject will transform the probabilistic tunnel into the past.
Let’s say subject A did something in the future and transformed the probabilistic tunnel into the past, but at great expense of energy was artificially returned to his native reality. For the remaining subjects B, C, D, who are in an information connection with A, this will cause a compensatory change in the tunnels to the future and past, i.e. the chance of realizing a certain future option will increase, which will be revealed when passing bifurcation points. Accordingly, the past will show the imprints of this process. As subjects B, C, D move, more and more subjects interacting with them will be drawn into the new tunnel - in accordance with the law of conservation of information.
Changing the movement of subjects along history options can be implemented on a larger scale, using the property of reducing the variety of options. This effect can be achieved using an electromagnetic background created using correlators. Their purpose is to implement a certain information process with a wide variety of event variations. According to the law of conservation of information, this will cause a decrease in diversity in the correlator area, reducing the chances of implementing alternatives. A chaos generator that implements an autocorrelation function can be used as a universal correlator. Being located over a large area, a system of correlators can contain information diversity on a huge scale, making only one specific scenario possible. The same result can be achieved by irradiating a large area with electromagnetic waves of “white noise” of even low power.
The mathematical theory of the described processes is in separate works of the famous mathematician and philosopher John von Neumann, as well as cybernetics and biologist W. R. Ashby.
N. Tesla's idea provides fantastic potential for holographic medicine. Indeed, if a person has a serious illness of some organ, but there is an etheric matrix that stores all the variations of a person with a healthy organ, with local manipulation of the patient’s vibration frequency, it is possible to achieve a complete cure of the affected organ, up to its reconstruction after amputation. This is indirectly confirmed by Tesla's experiments on visualizing the wave matrix of living beings in a high-frequency field, now known as the Kirlian effect. It turned out that even after amputation of body parts, their electromagnetic phantoms remain, due to which people sometimes feel the removed organs. In addition, an alternative phantom or inanimate object can be seen in the high-frequency field.
The following describes some of the technical advances associated with changing history and entering other realities.
6) Nikola Tesla Tower in Wardenclyffe.
Undoubtedly, practical proof of Tesla's theory is his radio broadcast tower at Wardenclyffe - an integral part of the so-called "World System". Tesla told the general public that this tower was needed for radio communications, and he regarded his “World System” as a huge radio network with a fairly extensive range of service functions (telefax, radio magazines, music archives, etc.).
But over time it becomes clear that the real purpose of the tower lies in something else. Perhaps she was one of the repeaters that Tesla wanted to install around the world. The design of the tower (called an "amplifying transmitter" by Tesla) is such that it allows the oscillator to resonate both with ionsphere, and with the inner spheres of our planet. A network of such translators (the “World System” itself), located in certain places on the planet, had the ability to resonate with the entire Earth.
The control center of each node of the "World System" presumably included such inventions as an electric induction motor for creating longitudinal-transverse electric oscillations, a heavy-duty transformer that forms shock radian waves and generates pure voltage without current, a toroidal oscillator with ultraviolet lamps, special vacuum devices that were prototypes of radio tubes, underground hydraulic pumps created to excite the liquid and solid spheres of the planet, and various other devices. Apparently, Tesla wanted to achieve resonance of the “World System” and all spheres of the Earth with a rotating electromagnetic field, while setting the goal of frequency and phase modulation of the oscillations of the entire planet, including its inhabitants. Getting into synchronization with the transmitters of the “World System” and adjusting its own vibration frequency, the Earth would move to an alternative world, which is its future, and would accelerate its evolution. This assumption was made by Professor V. Abramovich from the University of Belgrade.
But the scientist’s idea was not destined to come true, which did not prevent the use of his theories in later experiments by similar researchers. On the night of July 15, 1903, Tesla, using a radio tower, caused the northern lights not only over New York, but also over the Atlantic Ocean, and two years later he left his laboratory at Wardenclyffe for no apparent reason, leaving all his equipment untouched. Tesla's disappearance in 1943 is also mysterious.
7) Philadelphia experiment.
In the 40s, N. Tesla, together with A. Einstein and R. Oppenheimer, was engaged in a secret project, the goal of which was to create invisible ships for the US Navy. John von Neumann also took part. Work was carried out on the generation of ultra-high-intensity magnetic fields based on Tesla vortex generators. The fruits of the work done on the specially converted destroyer Eldridge were immediately classified.
It may very well be that the true goal was not the creation of an invisible ship, but the study of the multivariate nature of the world, and perhaps even the opening of a tunnel to the future based on chronotechnology. There also remains a mysterious connection between Tesla's disappearance and the beginning of the Philadelphia Experiment.
Destroyer DE-173 Eldridge.
Changing the vibration frequency of the ship was achieved using Tesla resonant generators, which formed a vortex field of modified ether (“time cloud”). As a result of the beating of the ether, elastic green matter was formed. The ship began to disappear from the field of view of the experimenters, moving to other versions of the world. In the process of moving the metal body, its most likely position converged for some time with the current world, which is why the Eldridge appeared for a few moments at the site of its future anchorage in Norfolk.
A somewhat different situation occurred with the ship’s crew, which had disastrous consequences for them. Due to the possibility of choice for each of the crew members, their paths in the space of options diverged. Tesla himself foresaw such a case, but for some reason no one began to take his fears seriously. Due to the fact that the crew members were unable to simultaneously return to one point in space at the end of the process, some of them were literally fused into the ship, others simply disappeared.
Those for whom other versions of history turned out to be more probable relative to our reality disappeared from it, continuing their journey in other worlds. For individual people, our reality still had a high probability, due to this they were able to return back, however, either with changed chances of transition among the options, or with extraordinary freedom to change the probabilities of transition. All this had consequences in the later lives of the participants.
People for whom this reality began to move away from the possibility of realization over time began to “numb.” Physically they were present in this option, but their minds were sent to other options, it was more difficult and difficult for him to remember the current reality. In this case, there was an outflow of energy from the subject. To stabilize the probability, it was necessary to touch the person. It brought him back for a while.
Those for whom the probability of our reality began to decrease with enormous acceleration disappeared from sight altogether, “passing through the walls.” In fact, they moved into more potential branches of events, which did not exclude the possibility of the appearance of the disappeared person in the future (when parallel worlds converged into one).
For other crew members, the increase in the probability of reality became such that being in it gave rise to the release of a large amount of energy. The body temperature of such people rose, and sometimes even an “ice burning” occurred that could not be extinguished. The unfortunate man burned to the ground, but the world around him did not react at all shaft on fire.
Subsequently, scientists found that for the normal movement of people through parallel worlds, without mental trauma, amnesia and violations of probabilistic parameters, it is necessary to protect their connection to this version of reality. To do this, you need to preserve the electromagnetic background of the starting reality with generators of a rotating magnetic field. The period difference was calculated on a computer. John von Neumann made a huge contribution to solving this issue.
8) Montauk experiment.
In the 50s, the Philadelphia experiment was continued. The pinnacle of that research was the experiment at Montauk Point, conducted until 1983. The experiment allegedly pursued the goal of creating a mechanism for controlling the human mind. However, analysis of the data obtained as a result of the experiment indicates that scientists managed to pass through reality. The findings are somewhat reminiscent of science fiction.
Engineer P. Nichols worked for a large American radio engineering company that dealt with classified military orders. He decided to follow in the footsteps of the Montauk experiment, and some observations prompted him to do so.
To begin with, in 1974, Nichols received unusual radio signals emitted by the Montauk Air Force Base radar in the 410-420 MHz range. These waves suppressed the brain activity of people in the radar coverage area.
Then Nichols met several people unknown to him, who suddenly recognized him as their boss, with whom they had once participated in the Montauk experiment.
In addition, in the Montauk area, he accumulated a lot of evidence of unusual weather behavior (abnormal occurrence of hurricanes, storms, etc.), as well as abnormal behavior of people. This was probably the result of the work of large generators of random oscillations, which restrained derivatives of higher orders due to autocorrelation (the result of autocorrelation of environmental oscillations by “white noise” is a decrease in information diversity in the environment, an increase in information entropy, the departure of higher derivatives of oscillations, an increase in chaos and a decline in order). This caused a decrease in choice options, a simplification of people’s mental activity and sharp jumps in animal aggression.
But the most striking thing is that Nichols noticed traces of his alternative life, as if he was working on a project that he had not even suspected of recently. Nichols began to pay attention to the presence of several parallel worlds - the unexpected appearance of wounds on the skin; official mail uncharacteristic of his position; contemplation of scenes from the future and much more.
As a result, Nichols managed to find out the following. A group of scientists led by John von Neumann acquired a radar that was once part of air defense. First, the researchers influenced the experimental subjects with a narrow beam of radar. Having made adjustments to the locator device, the experimenters irradiated people with the longitudinal non-heating component of the electromagnetic field. Here are Nichols' words:
"...In a special shielded laboratory, a special chair was placed where the test subject (sensitive D. Cameron) was seated. Then the door was opened and closed, recording the level of microwaves. Experiments were carried out with pulses of different durations, frequencies and wave radiation. Everything was tried experimentally, what just occurred to scientists. They even wanted to see what would happen to a subject subjected to pulsed or wave X-ray radiation. It turned out that some waves begin to change a person’s mood, control his emotions. It was possible to achieve tears, laughter, sadness and other things. When activated "wise radar" the personnel of the entire base fell under its electromagnetic influence. The phenomenon greatly intrigued the leaders of the experiment. They tried to learn how to regulate brain oscillations. This was achieved by changing the duration and amplitude of the waves in order to simulate human biological functions. In the region of 425-450 MHz they simply opened a window into the human mind. Next, it was necessary to understand what this mind hides inside itself."
It soon became clear that by selecting the desired sequence of sharp frequency changes, the effect on the psyche would be much greater. Scientists were even able to assemble a special unit for programming certain frequencies with different modulation parameters. Some combinations of these parameters could push a person to certain thoughts and decisions.
A standard smart radar antenna at Montauk Air Force Base.
At the next stage of research, the device was slightly modernized. Scientists had a device that made it possible to translate human thoughts into a sequence of electrical impulses. Nichols claims that this technology was given to scientists by representatives of the Sirius star system as part of the All-Seeing Eye project.
"... three groups of coils were installed around the chair so that each group formed one of three mutually perpendicular parts of the electromagnetic field. The subject found himself in the middle of the field generated by these coils. The leads of the coils were connected to receivers, the detectors of which were precisely adjusted to the mouth frequency driven by the local oscillator. However, what exact frequency was used in those experiments is, alas, unknown.
The detector made it possible to isolate the ethereal signal of the test subject, changing the field of the coils, creating oscillations against the background of the set frequency. Now it was possible to study the similarity of certain mental images to certain signals coming from the described system. That is, she actually freely reads the aura - the word that psychics and metaphysicians used to call a person’s personal electromagnetic field. It, in turn, is influenced by a person’s thoughts.
Next, the analog-to-digital converter encoded the signal and sent it to the Cray-1 computer, which decrypted the received data. A lot of time passed and a huge amount of effort was expended before the computer was able to deduce the true thoughts of a person. Further development of technology made it possible to create a three-dimensional image of a mental image and send it to a printer."
The next idea of the researchers was to combine the two installations. The Cray-1 computer, which processed the received thoughts, was connected to the IBM-360, which controlled the radar itself. Now it was possible to transmit thoughts from one person sitting in the chair of the “all-seeing eye” to another, sitting under the electromagnetic radiation of a “smart” radar. To prevent the first subject's chair from being exposed to the locator, it was shielded with special Tesla coils.
Soon scientists were able to conduct an unusual experiment - the materialization of matter from the ether in the field of influence of the locator. In this case, the powerful radiation of the transmitter was modulated by the thoughts of a person imagining a given object. The installation became a space-time modulator of the ether. P. Nichols writes:
"...In his imagination, he conceived a solid object located on the territory of our base, and the device formed the matrix of this object from the ether. There was enough energy for the object imagined in the imagination to appear at a given point in space. In fact, a method of materializing bodies was invented from a person's thoughts.
Everything that Duncan imagined actually happened in reality. More often than not, the object could be seen, but it was intangible, like a phantom. In other cases, it could be touched, but the object existed only during the operation of the locator. But sometimes objects materialized and remained in reality forever. The implementation of thought forms was usually carried out in the area of the Montauk Air Force Base. Although there have been experiments in other places.
Duncan could imagine a real house, and that house would magically appear on the base. The installation operated with fairly high accuracy. I wanted to master the full potential of this fantastic device. The first experiment was called "The All-Seeing Eye". Taking in his hand an object belonging to a certain person and concentrating his attention on it, Duncan saw, heard and felt what the chosen person heard and saw. He could thus inhabit any inhabitant of the planet. It’s scary to imagine how such research could end.
It goes without saying that such actions are unacceptable, so the program seemed somewhat sinister. Researchers wanted to understand the workings of the human mind. They tried to find out whether it is possible to instill predetermined thoughts in a person. Duncan was being arranged to meet a man. Further, unbeknownst to this man, Duncan focused on him. In 95% of cases, the subject's behavior corresponded to Duncan's suggestions. By implanting his thoughts into people's minds, he could force them to do anything. In the case described, the influence occurred at a deeper level than ordinary hypnosis.
This line of research lasted until 1979 and contained a lot of experiments, some of which were very exciting, while others ended in dire consequences. Experiments were carried out not only on individual individuals, but also on groups of people, as well as entire settlements and animals. Scientists were able to exert any influence. For example, on the home TV screen it was possible to slow down the picture, create interference, or turn it off altogether. With the help of telekinesis, things moved by themselves, creating a real mess in the buildings. When Duncan momentarily imagined a breaking window, a window in a small house located near Montauk shattered under the influence of the locator. Also, during the experiments, it was possible to scare away animals from Montauk Mountain into the city and raise a wave of crimes among residents."
Further, the installation was further modified to control the passage of time within the range of the locator. I had to connect a peculiar device to it - the Delta Time flexagonal antenna, which had an octagonal shape. Apparently, Nikola Tesla's improved antenna installation, which he used in the tower at Wardenclyffe, was recreated in Montauk. Modulation of the linear and vortex components of the radiation of this antenna makes it possible to adjust the phase in time of the relatively zero point. An electrogyroscopic zero standard time generator was added to the design. enie, which made it possible to establish oscillations with a difference in the comparative zero point, that is, the center of rotation of the Universe.
Moreover, to control time by forming an interference field in the area of the locator, all its emitters must transmit coherent waves. Coherence was achieved by modulating all oscillations of the system contours with “white noise”, which implemented the autocorrelation function.
After all the modernizations, a person sitting in a chair and mentally changing the modulation of the transmitter oscillations could purposefully regulate the phase of ether oscillations of the relatively zero point, i.e. control the flow of local time.
In the winter of 1981, another series of experiments began, during which space-time tunnels were opened into alternative worlds.
“The group went to explore the future and the past. Using the tunnel, it was possible to analyze the air, earth and other things without going through the exit.
Those who traveled along the spiral spoke of a strange, bright spiral tunnel going down. Entering there, the person quickly covered the entire path. He was thrown to the opposite end, usually according to where the transmitter was oriented. You could find yourself anywhere in the Universe.
The tunnel from the inside looked like a spiral with shining transverse rings and was not smooth, but with grooves. As it moved, it constantly twisted and turned. There you met someone or did something. Having completed your mission, you went back into the tunnel and appeared where you came from. If during the experiment there was a power failure, the traveler would forever remain inside the tunnel or be lost in time. Glitches in hyperspace were also to blame for the disappearance of the traveler. And although many people disappeared, scientists could not be blamed for carelessness.
In addition, the temporary tunnel had another feature. Having walked about 2/3 of the way along it, the body seemed to lose energy.
The man experienced a powerful shock, accompanied by a vision of a wide step. At the same time, he felt a mental uplift, an influx of some kind of spiritual knowledge, which was interpreted as a state of complete non-existence, the manifestations of which scientists wanted to find in Duncan. This could be useful for other experiments in the All-Seeing Eye project or in other aspects. Now it was commonplace to catch a person on the street and drag him into a tunnel. Typically, experiments were carried out on homeless people and alcoholics, whose disappearance would not cause a scandal. Those of them who returned back fully reported on what they saw. It is unknown how many people then disappeared without a trace in the labyrinths of time. Over time, experimental subjects began to be equipped with various equipment in order to transmit information “live.” They were sometimes forced into the tunnel. Television and radio signals came from the passage. While this connection was maintained, scientists saw what the traveler saw."
Researchers even tried to get to Mars, inside the Martian pyramids. S. Duncan Cameron confirmed that he traveled in time to 1943, in space - to the underground structures of the Martian pyramids. There they found functioning equipment from an unfamiliar Martian civilization, called “solar system defense,” which they turned off. It is believed that after 1943, regular visits to Earth by UFOs began.
On August 12, 1983, the transmitter was deliberately synchronized with the transmitter on the Eldridge, which was turned on in 1943. Thanks to this, a stable version of the history of 1943-1983 was formed. By applying a stable version of history, scientists were able to create other alternative branches of history, based on the 1943-1983 branch. By moving between alternative versions of history and turning them into current realities, manipulators were able to have for themselves a fixed initial reality, stabilized by the energy tunnel of 1943-1983. Nichols mentions that these two times were synchronized by two radio transmitters:
"...there were three 'witness impacts'. These can be grouped as 'witness impacts' of three levels.
The first consists of the people who were aboard the destroyer Eldridge. Individual crew members were transferred to Montauk in 1983. These also include those who are considered reincarnated since the Philadelphia Experiment.
The second level was technology. The same zero time standard generator (the principle of operation of which we compared with the operation of a top) was used both in Montauk and on board the Eldridge. When the Eldridge was finally taken out of service in 1946, the generator ended up in storage. It was later transported to Montauk and installed in the system device.
In addition to it, there were two more unusual radio transmitters (FRR-24, one used in Montauk; the other in Philadelphia). They provided the ability to pierce time and were used to unify projects.
The witness of the third level was the biorhythm of the Earth. The term "biorhythm" refers rather to esotericism and sources of higher organization that I controlt the existence of every organism. Biorhythms are the fruit of natural resonances of the surrounding world and determine the processes of human life. Of course, there are many more subtle manifestations that still need to be mastered. If we look at the Earth as a single organism, it is also subject to the influence of biorhythms determined by daily and annual rotations. Researchers in Montauk meticulously studied the biorhythms of the Earth and their interaction with the Universe as a whole. They identified a key planetary biorhythm that reaches its peak once every twenty years."
Shortly after the creation of a stable tunnel 1943-1983, the base was closed and the personnel disbanded. Apparently, the goal was to create a stable version of history. However, Nichols mentions that they were unable to create a consistent version of the story beyond 2012. Due to some factors, an “insurmountable obstacle” stood in the way of scientists in 2012.
There is an interesting suggestion in Nichols's materials that John von Neumann did not die in 1957, but continued to exist under a different name. It is striking that it was John von Neumann who gave Nichols a specialized transceiver FRR-24 manufactured by RCA, which resonates with exactly the same transmitters, which presumably could be located in other (alternative) worlds.