It is quite difficult to assert the fact of the existence of other worlds, and even more so of people getting into other worlds, so try to form your own opinion from the stories below:
At the end of the 30s of the last century, the writer Evgeny Petrov (real name Evgeny Petrovich Kataev) found himself in a strange situation when his name and fate coincided with the unknown to him E.P. Kataev, and also the names of a person he invented and a real-life friend coincided the second Petrov, a certain New Zealander.
Petrov had a very unusual hobby: he loved to collect envelopes of his own letters. Petrov sent a letter to the first country in the world he came across, and he completely made up the address. Only the name of the state was real. A month or two later the letter was returned with the postmark “Incorrect address.” In the spring of 1939, he once again sent such a letter, which became the reason for this incredible story.
Petrov wrote to New Zealand, inventing the city of Khyberville, 26 Rothbeach Street, and the addressee Merrill Ogin Weasley. The text of the letter was: “Greetings, my dear Merrill! I'm really sorry for poor Uncle Pete. Please accept my condolences on his death. I understand how difficult it is for you right now, so hang in there. Sorry for not writing to you for a long time. I really hope Ingrid is feeling well. Your daughter is probably all grown up already. Kiss her for me. Yours Evgeniy.” Having written the return address on the envelope, he sent the letter as urgent. However, the letter was not returned. Soon Petrov completely forgot about him. But when August came he received... an answer! At first, Petrov took it for someone’s prank, but when he saw the return address, he almost felt sick.
The envelope bore the same address: “New Zealand, Highberville, Rotbeach, 26, Merrill Ogin Weasley.” Nearby there was a postmark “New Zealand, Highberville Post Office”.
The letter read: “Dear Evgeniy! Thank you for your condolences. Uncle Pete's death was a huge blow to us. I hope you are not angry with us for the delay in our response. Together with Ingrid, I often remember the two days you stayed with us. Gloria will soon be in second grade. She really likes the teddy bear you gave her. Yours Weasley." Evgeny had never traveled to New Zealand in his life and was shocked that the letter was accompanied by a photo of some unfamiliar man hugging him by the shoulders in a friendly manner. On the back was the date: "October 9, 1938." Then it dawned on Petrov - on that very day he was brought to the hospital completely unconscious with pneumonia. For several days, doctors tried to save his life, but Petrov’s chances of survival were very low. Was he somehow able to get into a world different from this?
Petrov decided to write another letter to the same address in order to shed at least some light on this incomprehensible story, but he no longer received an answer. The Second World War began. From the first days, the writer got a job as a war correspondent. Colleagues stopped recognizing him - Evgeniy became a completely taciturn, withdrawn person.
In 1942, Petrov was flying on a plane that was shot down over enemy territory. After receiving news of this incident, a letter from the same Merrill Weasley arrived at Petrov’s address. It was transferred to the unfortunate widow. Weasley wrote that he admired the courage of the Soviet people and was a little worried about the well-being of Petrov himself. He wrote: “You scared me very much when you swam in the icy water in the lake. But you answered me that you were destined not to drown, but to crash on a plane. So, I beg you, try to avoid flying.” So where and under what circumstances did Petrov-2 see Merrill Weasley? And in what world did this happen?
In July 1976 in Washington, a certain Marty D. left his office and began to diligently look around the street in search of his car, which for some reason was not where it was left, but in a completely different direction. Something raised some doubts about the appearance of the car, but it was time for Martin to go home and he opened the door. However, Martin could not insert the same key into the ignition of his car. Then he returned to the building to report to the police about the attempted theft, which led to the breakdown of the car. But, meanwhile, the building has changed a lot. Everything inside was different, and calling the police from the lobby proved impossible. Then Martin decided to go up to his office and call from there... Only it turned out that his office did not exist at all! Frightened Martin ran outside. This time the car was in its usual place. Everything became the same as before.
I don’t think it’s worth mentioning that the car immediately started up and drove off... Where was Martin? Maybe he also briefly ended up in another world?
In 1979, a pregnant woman was brought to one of the psychiatric clinics in Switzerland, who told a tragic story about the death of her husband in a car accident, that she, being pregnant, buried him and begged God to give her a helping hand... The most terrible thing was that God, seemed to help. Arriving home again, she found her husband alive and unharmed. However, he was unable to explain his return to life. In general, he was very surprised by the story about his own funeral. According to his story, it turned out that there was only a minor accident, where there were no casualties. The police and relatives unanimously confirmed the husband’s words. Then the woman went to the cemetery... but could not find the grave of her late husband there! Although the cemetery site seemed very familiar to her. Relatives, trying to protect the woman from a nervous breakdown before giving birth, decided to send her to the clinic, but the doctors stated that the patient had no abnormalities. Does this mean that she, without knowing it, ended up in another world where her husband was alive?
In 1996, a letter arrived with the following text: “...The other day a very strange incident occurred. It was in the evening. My son went somewhere. I was sitting in the room watching TV when suddenly I heard the key turning in the lock. I thought he came back having forgotten something. Nobody came in. I was scared - I clearly heard the key turning in the lock. When I opened the door to the hallway, I saw that my son was standing right in front of me, but he was as if in a fog. Literally after a few seconds this vision began to disappear until it completely dissolved. I was numb with fear, deciding that I was starting to go crazy... Upon my son’s return, I told him about what I had seen. To this he answered me: “I really forgot something and wanted to return, but changed my mind.” It turns out that I saw my son’s intention to return home for the thing come true? How can this phenomenon be explained?
Can a person derive any benefit from traveling to other worlds?
Do you think that you have not fully revealed your talents, that some circumstances in life have made it not what you would like it to be? Then just imagine that in some other world your double can live many times worse than you do in your world. It's really not all that bad, is it?