Unusual mirror.


 As soon as the young housekeeper ran into the office of the Pole S. Kowalski with a loud cry: “Look, they are there!”, he decided that some mouse had scared the girl to death.
However, it was not a mouse. According to the housekeeper, out of the blue a group of ghosts emerged from the ancient mirror.



Very interested in such unusual news, the owner went to the mirror to see what was happening with his own eyes. But there was no one in the living room. Kowalski shook his head and was about to leave, but at the very last moment he for some reason wanted to look back...

First, an old woman in a nightgown emerged from an unusual mirror. Following on her heels was an old man in a frock coat, then a chimney sweep with his full equipment and a young lady in a wedding dress. The very last were a very small girl and a boy. All the ghosts silently made a circle around the room, after which they calmly disappeared where they appeared - in the mirror.

“It’s not that I don’t believe in the paranormal and mystical,” says Kowalski. - However, here the idea of some kind of unusual optical illusion was imposed: the ghosts were flat, as if made of tissue paper...

After that, ghosts appeared from the mirror for a whole year. They left it at completely different times of the day and night, no system was traced between their appearances, but the order of the members of the procession remained the same. The ghosts always came out and disappeared in complete silence; it was impossible to take a photograph of them. They tried to place various obstacles on their way - the spirits did not seem to notice them. Then the owner decided: the problem was in the mirror itself.

This unusual mirror was made in the century before last and ended up in Kowalski’s home by accident. He generally adores antiques, and a long time ago he acquired a mirror through an advertisement in a newspaper from some lady. With his own hands he renewed the scuffed frame and heaped it onto the fireplace - here it stood, without revealing itself for a long time.
And for some reason the ghosts in the mirror suddenly came to life.
“I seem to remember hearing somewhere about something similar,” Kowalski says. – The fact is that in the 19th century in these places there was some wealthy joker who loved to scare people with all sorts of mysticism. He owned a “damn mirror” made by the famous master Martinson, about whom, by the way, it was even rumored that he had given his soul to the Devil for his talent. The principle of operation remains a mystery, but it is known for sure that, if the owner desired, ghosts appeared from the mirror. After his death, the unusual mirror strangely disappeared...

So maybe in Kowalski’s house there is that same “damn mirror” that there is no one else to control and it is activated randomly?

The most amazing thing happened when Kowalski called in specialists who were going to reveal the “technical” secret of the unusual mirror. A detailed and close inspection revealed nothing. A standard mirror, a standard wooden frame - there is not even a hint of the equipment hidden in it.
- Well, it can’t be that real ghosts appear from the mirror? – the Pole throws up his hands. - Or maybe?..

In any case, the mysterious mirror, as before, stands in its place. It is not clear whether this is an illusion or genuine guests from the other world, but it seems that the ghosts do not pose any danger. And finally: who else can boast of such an unusual piece of furniture?


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