Electronic voice phenomenon (EGP, Electronic Voice Phenomenon, EVP) is a spontaneous or deliberately initiated manifestation on recording and transmitting equipment (tape recorders, radios, televisions, telephones, specially designed devices) of voices and other sounds from unknown intelligent sources, often identifying themselves as deceased people . Sometimes the Electronic Voice Phenomenon or EVP is simply called “White Noise”, but this is not entirely correct.
In the 50s of the 20th century, two Catholic priests (Father Dzhemeli and Ernetti) conducted research in the field of music. Ernetti was a recognized scientist, physicist and thinker, and also a connoisseur of music. Dzhemeli was the head of the Pontifical Academy. On September 15, 1952, while recording Gregorian chants, the tape in the tape recorder of the Holy Fathers often broke. Losing his temper, Dzhemeli raised his eyes to the sky and asked his father for support. To the surprise of both, the voice recorded during the recording responded: “Undoubtedly, I will help you. I am always there.” They repeated the experience again. Now a very clear voice, in which notes of humor were felt, answered: “But Zucchinni, it’s obvious, you don’t know that it’s me?” Dzhemeli's eyes widened. No one could know the nickname his father used to tease him once upon a time. Only later did he realize that he had actually heard his father. But the happiness from the sudden “resurrection” of a relative was interrupted by wild fear. Does he have the right to communicate with the dead? As a result, both witnesses to the present events turned to Pope Pius the Twelfth in Rome. Dzhemeli's father, very excited, told the Pope about his experience. To his amazement, dad just patted him on the shoulder and reassured him: “Dear Jemeli, you really don’t need to worry. The presence of such voices is a well-known scientific fact that has nothing to do with spiritualism. The tape recorder is completely impartial. It captures and records everything "acoustic vibrations, wherever they come from. Your experience may perhaps turn out to be the cornerstone for the foundation of scientific research that will increase humanity's faith in the afterlife." Dzhemeli became firm again, but he agreed that the experience would not be made public until the end of his life. The results were not revealed until 1990.
EGF electronic voice phenomenon.
Officially, the electronic voice phenomenon (EGP, EVP) was discovered by the Swedish art critic and film director F. Jugenson in 1959. Like all grandiose things, this phenomenon was discovered unintentionally. Blissfully alone outside the city, he made tape recordings of birdsong to listen to in his free time. Yugenson's amazement knew no bounds when, in addition to trills and chirps, he heard some quiet, annoying voice. It seemed as if a man was giving a lecture in Norwegian about the properties of bird chirping. However, the art critic was as familiar with radio equipment as he was with the Norwegian language.
Since Yugenson did not encounter a single person during his walk, at first he thought that his miniature portable tape recorder had accidentally captured and recorded a broadcast from one of the local radio stations. A similar effect occurs when sensitive sound devices: players, tape recorders and other equipment, catch and play a signal from a nearby radio station. To verify his theory, Yugenson checked the programs broadcast that day. However, it turned out that none of the stations broadcasting in Norwegian broadcast anything like that on the air that day. This started a series of experiments that gave rise to a lot of similar records. Based on the results of many years of work, Yugenson published the book “Radio Communication with the Underworld” - the first in its field.
At the end of the 60s, a general fascination with connections with the other world began in Europe. In the Vatican itself, having studied some tape recordings, they did not blame the experimenter, citing the fact that “everything is the will of the Lord.” Unfortunately, official science has not found much enthusiasm for EHF (electronic voice phenomenon). True, Yugenson found a solid ally and a gifted follower who modernized the methods of recording EHF. Latvian psychologist K. Raudiv discovered a more convenient way to contact the afterlife - the radio method. In 1969, in Germany, where he lived and worked, he published the work “Converting an inaudible signal into an audible one.” Despite the strong criticism from the point of view of atheists and skeptics, Raudive's contribution to the study of the electronic voice phenomenon was so enormous that in scientific fields practicing on the study of EHF, the definition of "Raudive's voice" has been found since that time.
In 1975, the Germans organized the world's first international society for the study of EHF - Association for Transcommunication Research - Verein fur Transkommunikations-Forschung - VTF. The scientific center and editorial office are located in Wiesbaden. Contact address for those interested: VTF, Gneisenaustrasse 2, 65195 Wiesbaden, Deutschland.
There are incredibly many similar societies for the development of the electronic voice phenomenon today: they exist not just throughout Europe, but also overseas - in Brazil and America. Even in Cologne, at least three research centers were found, although for some reason I did not want to contact experts in this field. But so that the words are not groundless, we headed to the potential of the World Wide Web. And here you want it, believe it or not. In particular, a recording allegedly of the voice of the famous composer F. Chopin, produced by the English medium D. Wood, whose archive already contains at least 600 films with voices. A multi-part documentary film was even shot about his research in England. But let's turn to the voice of the famous Chopin. It goes without saying that with the British medium, the ghost of the composer spoke in clear English. Spiritualists interpret this as the fact that Chopin visited England and Scotland before his death, but no one knows whether he was able to master English during a very short trip.
Of course, until you personally “feel” and get in touch, it is often difficult to accept the reality of having contacts with the ghosts of the deceased. It’s easier, of course, to dismiss everything as fiction and forget about this problem. But that’s not how things are done. According to scientists, anyone with the slightest interest can practice EHF at home. The meaning of the research is always the same - to find traces of the fact that existence, albeit in a different form, still does not end with the moment of a person’s death, that a subtle connection between another world and familiar reality is present, and that the spirits of the deceased are trying as best they can to talk to us, to reach out to us. contact. The only bad thing is that the possibilities of these contacts are still very limited and poorly explored by us due to our unpreparedness for communication with the other world due to weak faith.
As usual, it all started out of pure curiosity. The misunderstanding was reinforced by the fact that if EPH is real, then why does official science suddenly neglect such significant evidence. I really wanted to start a long-standing song about the rights of anomalistics as a science, about the coldness of scientists and their groundless accusations of what they are unable to explain and understand. About the stupid skeptical refusal to apply the vast religious and mystical experience of humanity and so on.
However, even we have yet to test the presence of EVP. So, the technique developed by K. Raudive is elementary. To contact the afterlife, you only need to have an ordinary radio with a tape recorder.
Place burning candles in an unlit room and create an environment favorable for contact with other forces. After this, turn on the radio and tune it to “white noise”, where none of the nearby radio stations are broadcasting. Concentrate, mentally say your question to the deceased and turn on the tape recorder. The film will objectively record all the information sent to you from the other side of existence.
At least that's how things should happen. Jurgenson's next work, published in 1967, was called “Radio Communication with the Deceased” and was studied by the Riga psychologist K. Raudive. He was so intrigued by this that he came to Jurgenson, mastered his know-how and independently recorded more than twenty-five thousand EVPs. In addition, he invented personal technology, which immortalized him and the records he produced.
The creator of this rare technology was very surprised at how the spirits of people who left us reorganize the interference of “white noise” into an audible voice. As a result, everyone met on the vague concept of restructuring the energy of clean radio bands by intelligent ghosts.
Our attention to the topic of EVP was drawn to incredible information found on the server of an organization researching this phenomenon. In an unimaginable way, they were able to clear the interference from a clear voice. Audio files with cleaned voices were even posted on the site. Thus, an incredibly distorted, but nevertheless decipherable male speech in a sharp Russian accent narrated in German about his own adventures in the afterlife. The same spirit spoke advice and recommendations for researching the electronic voice phenomenon. Based on the explanations and decoding of the story, the voice belonged to the researcher of the electronic voice phenomenon, K. Raudive. So we decided to try to conduct our own first experiment on recording the electronic voice phenomenon - EHF. Moreover, the capabilities for recording and reproducing audio information have made significant progress over several decades.
At the same time, doubts began to torment literally from the first stages. Checking the recordings of Raudive's supposed voice, we thought that this was probably an unscrupulous fake, recorded in three stages. The initial one is the distortion of normal speech using ordinary filters of the computer program CoolEdit pro - by the way, recommended for recording directly on a PC by the authors of the site, for which we bow to them - they indicated in which direction we need to dig. The next stage is secondary deformation of audio data by addingtheir modulation changes. The same program has a wide range of similar tools. The world is not without scammers - we summed it up, and began to reproduce everything in order, controlling all the details of the method of contacts with the afterlife.
We soldered a suitable radio receiver and split the bands with a mixer. The first was recorded on an audio tape, as intended, while the other, on the advice of “thoughtful” colleagues, was recorded directly on a PC with the most sophisticated settings and tools for processing input audio data.
Three participants recorded half an hour of “white noise” from a radio. In stereo mode, interference went to the right channel, and the operator's voice, recorded from the microphone, respectively, to the left. We immediately amplified the received signal when we realized that no clear answers could be heard on the tape. No results. The result of prolonged listening to the recorded material was a migraine and extreme fatigue. However, we honestly tried. But for some reason, representatives of other worlds did not want to answer us.
According to one legend, in 1971, several technicians (who and where exactly - we never found out) discovered the existence of EVP in a studio. The recording (according to the story) lasted almost twenty minutes and during listening it was possible to distinguish no less than fifty voices of the dead. Moreover, many of them were so clearly expressed that they did not even require any amplification or processing.
And yet, human psychology has gloriously responded to the questions we utter into the hiss of the radio, beyond the silence of the spirits of the dead.
Have you heard about old folk fortune-telling in the evenings in a dimly lit room? Then, in the faint light of candles in silence, our great-grandmothers carefully looked into the mirrors, hoping to wait for the image of the betrothed, about whom they had dreamed for so long, to appear in them. And, according to their words, from time to time he even appeared in the mirror. But in cases where the fortuneteller was not familiar with him, the image had very vague outlines. In general, we all came to the conclusion that the recording of Raudive’s voice, as well as the EVP as a whole, conceals the same nature.
Based on the technical requirements when testing the phenomenon, we were not able to bring the experiment to the required accuracy. As a result, we adjusted the research methodology and used the help of Audio Placebo - that’s what we called it.
As an audio placebo, we used those recorded using a special noise generator, which were re-cleaned and combined with a second signal in order to accurately remove any information accidentally included in the recorded sound, of course, if it was in it at all.
We created two groups of 5 people each. One group included people who knew absolutely nothing about the electronic voice phenomenon (EVP). The members of the other were people whom we deliberately “teased” with the chance to contact their deceased relatives and friends. Before the experiment, the subjects received questionnaires in which, from a bunch of diverse questions, they were required to write down any ten dead people who came to mind first.
The time of death did not matter, just like the relationship of the deceased to the experimental subject. It was possible to indicate both close relatives and complete strangers, but famous people. The essence of the first test is a provocation with the deliberate replacement of records. Members of the second group were in the appropriate atmosphere, asking questions and personally recording the radio interference. Next, the material was secretly replaced, giving an audio placebo for playback. It didn’t take long to wait for the first fruits of the experiment. Three people in the second group said that they could perfectly hear the voices of their loved ones in the audio placebo recording. And these people, supposedly present on the recording, are at the top of the list of dead in the questionnaires. The approximate playback time of the recording before the onset of auditory hallucinations ranges from 5 to 15 minutes.
Together with the second group, the same recordings were played to the first group, which was not told anything about EHF, for about 20 minutes - no reaction. Unless people were mentally stressed as a result. Afterwards, the subjects were told that they should recognize the voice of a person in the interference, which we seemed to deliberately mix into the audio signal. Within a few minutes, one person appeared convinced that the signal of a radio station known to him was really being added to the noise, because... he even recognized the voice of the radio station's DJ in the interference!
The DJ, by the way, is alive and well.
After the first stage, one person was kicked out of the second group at his own request, since he was absolutely unable to perceive the EHF and did not identify absolutely anything special in the noise. As a result, there were 4 members in the second group and we decided to divide them into two groups of two people each. Another experiment was supposed to further strengthen the hypotheses about the psychological nature of the phenomenon. To do this, one pair (the partners could not contact each other during the experiment) from the second group was asked to distinguish a response to a question uttered in front of them. Another couple was lied to by saying a question without their knowledge in such a way thatThe subjects could not guess the essence of the question. From this, the time of psychoprovocations instantly increased to 30 - 50 minutes. Probably, this blocked the intuitive device for obtaining a probable answer, and the mind had to spend much more time on self-deception based on random ideas and conscious guesses of a person. Meanwhile, the question was always the same - “identify your name,” but the test subjects, of course, did not have information about the question. Now we did not use an audio placebo, but only allowed us to listen to what was actually received on the radio. Of the two pairs of people, no one gave a clear answer. They were more like prophecies, requests to go to the grave, and stories about the afterlife. Inviolably, all answers were based on the personal point of view of an individual. The experiment was modified by introducing a rumor about a question being uttered, although in truth the question remained the same. One couple was answering (as they thought) the question “in which corner of the room did we bury the research journal?” Considering that there was only a single locked cabinet in the experimental room, and the racks with equipment were all in sight, people, of course, answered “cabinet.” And the magazine at that time was hidden under the chair where the experimental subjects were located. They were convinced that spirits were actually helping them and allegedly heard the answer clearly. Examination of the data obtained on the tape did not reveal any alien sounds at all.
The next couple thought the question was “tell me your name.” In truth, the question was raised about the location of the magazine hidden under the subjects’ chair. And it goes without saying that no one “remembered” the magazine.
Thousands of similar experiments could be organized, but we did not continue further, since there are no suitable candidates for the role of experimental subjects. However, a completely clear picture is already opening up before us.
During the research, not the slightest symptoms of foreign sounds were recorded in the obtained material. Although we recorded and listened to no less than 8 hours of “white noise”. So the conclusion suggests itself that in radio interference no one is telling us anything from the “other world”. We are of the opinion that the phenomenon of Raudive's voices has a nature similar to hallucinations and is explained by elementary human psychology. We have perfectly documented the connection between the period of provocation and the psycho-emotional state of a person. The answers to the questions directly depend on the purely personal views and level of consciousness of the test subject. Analysis of the similarity of the results with the personal data gave rise to a guess that still needs to be justified. It consists in the fact that the experimental subject, when asking a question, had a set of specific, probably intuitive prerequisites both for the person to whom he was addressing (the questionnaires indicate this), and for the unconscious determination of the possible answer options. From the permissible answers, the mind, in all likelihood, selects only those that the consciousness desires to receive. All the voices allegedly recorded by the experimental subjects are the fruit of their individual opinion about the person who allegedly speaks to them. We conducted another additional experiment, where we tried to establish contact between the experimental subject and a mutual friend of ours. The subject had known the deceased for a very short time and did not know him, to put it mildly, very well. As a result, it turned out that all the answers allegedly received by the subject were purely his individual opinion about the deceased. They were based only on his modest knowledge about this man, which once again proves that people hear only what they themselves want to hear.
However, we do not stop there. Work in this area does not stop. Although we cannot help but admit that academic science is innocent in its harsh views on anomalistics. But until the anomalists themselves deal with the numerous hoaxes that do not distinguish between complete heresy and rare real cases of EVP, we will not be able to repel even the skeptics.