Today, many experts are ready to finally accept the reality of the theory of the existence of parallel worlds.
There is more than one parallel world in the Universe at the same time; people are even able to communicate and make contact with some of them in a certain way - this is the main thesis of this theory. The most elementary example of entering a parallel world can be called a dream. The reality of the events that happen in a dream makes us think that everything around us is real, for real. The human mind receives data from sleep, the speed of transmission of which is many times greater than the speed of data transmission in the everyday world: in just a couple of hours of sleep, a person is able to see so many things that in ordinary life would take him days and weeks.
In a dream, a person comes to pictures not only of the world he is familiar with, but also amazing, incomparable images, completely impossible and seemingly unthinkable and not existing in material reality. Where do they come from?
The gigantic Universe is formed from inordinately small atoms. Having considerable specific energy, atoms are indistinguishable to the eye and appear in the form of matter, from which absolutely everything in the world is built, only by merging into molecules. However, despite the fact that atoms cannot be seen, the reality of their existence does not raise any questions for anyone, because even man himself is formed by a cluster of atoms.
Atoms produce constant oscillatory movements, which can vary in speed, frequency and direction of movement in space. It must be said that due to the presence of these differences in their fluctuations, the world we are familiar with exists.
But what would happen if the atoms of our body began to vibrate at a speed similar to the speed of dreams in the sleeping mind? Then another person would not be able to observe us visually - human vision, and indeed all senses, would not be able to detect objects at such speeds. However, if another person's atoms move at the same frequency as us, he will be able to see us as usual, without even suspecting anything.
Let's say that in some way we were able to impart the speed of a radio wave to the human body. Then he could literally go around the entire planet in a few moments and return to the starting point. But the most important thing is that during his movement a person can easily study in detail any object of interest to him, while for an external observer he would completely disappear from sight.
Now let’s think about the fact that right next to us there is a parallel world, the atoms of which vibrate at a speed many times higher than ours. Do you think we would have been able to notice his presence? Of course not, because our senses, as well as the speed of thinking, physically cannot record it. But the subconscious copes with this task quite well. This is where various incomprehensible feelings and experiences appear in some people: is it just me, or has this actually happened before? It seems we have already met this person? How do I know this phrase?
All attempts to remember or understand something in such a situation are futile: all this happened at some point of intersection of parallel worlds, when, for reasons unknown to this day, contact of several parallel worlds occurs, and mysterious incidents occur that have no reasonable explanation...