Poltergeist (translated from German as “noisy spirit”) is a phenomenon accompanied by chaotic independent movement of objects, unnatural sound phenomena “out of nowhere,” and in some cases even destructive consequences in the premises. Poltergeists have been known to people since time immemorial.
Real poltergeist
According to current data, a real poltergeist has a lot of different manifestations, which we will divide into the following groups:
1) Sound anomalies. These include various sounds in rooms, the cause of which cannot be determined. Such sounds can be crackling, rumble, hum on the upper or lower floors, as well as in the basement and attic, impacts on the walls, floor and ceiling, grinding and much more.
2) Kinematic effects: spontaneous random movements of things. Velocities observed during the movement of objects range from 2-3 cm/s to 3 km/s. The speed develops instantly, things take off with an acceleration that is sometimes 46 times greater than the initial speed of the projectile leaving the barrel of the gun. The trajectories of movement of objects during a real manifestation of a poltergeist can be very different: from a straight line to broken lines with bends around the corners of walls, furniture and people.
3) Teleportation – instant movement of things from one point in space to another. In 17% of cases of real real poltergeists, the presence of teleportation of objects was noted - their penetration through walls, doors and glass without the slightest damage to these obstacles. The present fully corresponds to the “classical scheme”.
4) Temperature anomalies: an unreasonable change in the temperature of things from freezing to ignition.
5) The influence of poltergeists on people. Often with poltergeists, people who have been present for some time in rooms with recorded activity of this phenomenon experience all sorts of physiological and/or mental influences from an unfamiliar force.
6) Electrical manifestations. They were discovered in the twentieth century and represent poltergeist disruption of electrical appliances.
7) Other phenomena of a paranormal nature that cannot be compared with previous groups. In 36% of poltergeist cases, spontaneously appearing words and drawings on walls, furniture and other suitable areas, as well as notes sent to poltergeist victims. In 4-5%, communication with a poltergeist was made through correspondence, drawing or typing.
The greatest interest is generated by those contacts with the drummer when he responded quite sensibly, to say the least “humanly”, to the good attitude directed towards him. This means that the behavior of the entity, which is usually called a poltergeist, is not strictly programmed, but gives it the opportunity to choose. Another conclusion follows from this: a poltergeist is discrete in its real nature, in other words, there are a lot of independent entities behind it. Therefore, it is assumed that each of them has its own specific features, its own character.
8) Attitude towards a person. A poltergeist is accompanied by the chaotic movement of things around the apartment (house, etc.), but it will not cause harm to a person - a poltergeist can throw a knife in your face, and a few centimeters from the target it will simply crash to the floor. From this follows the assumption that the poltergeist absorbs the emotional energy of unbalanced individuals. Therefore, it can be assumed that paranormal phenomena will cease when the object of their feeding moves to an easier and more serene lifestyle, or the death of the expansive person occurs.
It is necessary to emphasize the point that reports from all kinds of cultures and traditions about real poltergeists (both current and historical) characterize its identical properties.
Jacob Grimm - one of the brothers Grimm, in the work "German Mythology", talks about various incidents, including one from Bingen-am-Rhein, dated 355, when stones scattered of themselves, and people were driven out of their beds, with a terrifying roar and deafening sounds. hum.
The Cumbras Travel Notes (1191) retells a campaign in Wales: the priest and chronicler Cabrensis describes a real story that happened in a house in Pembrokeshire, where a poltergeist threw dirt and other objects - disheveled, torn and scattered clothes; The “spirit” even chatted in front of everyone about all sorts of secrets of the people present in the house. And these are not rare episodes. Medieval chronicles are full of real cases of poltergeist manifestations.
In recent centuries, again, one of the most famous incidents is the “Tedworth Drummer” in England (1661), where a drum that belonged to a poor man imprisoned began to play on its own; Then other phenomena were expressed: falling from a chair, beds with people dozing on them heaving upward and shaking, the appearance of cuts on the torso and deafening grinding sounds.
Here is a series of intricate and terrifying incidents that occurred on a Tennessee farm in 1817. They are known as the Bell Witch Hunt. It was meant that the "witch" was the spirit of peace Noah K. Batts, a neighbor of D. Bell, the owner of the farm where the riots were happening, and who was responsible for the dispute over the land. The poltergeist was accompanied by the sudden appearance of figures of unusual animals, whistling and voices, loud laughter and singing, and even raids on the people of the farm, because of which, as some said, death happened to D. Bell.
The beginning of domestic poltergeists disappears in the darkness of eras. However, this phenomenon is described in detail in various folk works. Thus, the well-known folklorist of the last century, A. Afanasyev, wrote: “They tell about the brownie in Rus', how from time to time he indulges in pranks for no apparent reason, except perhaps because of his own mischievous character. But in this case, it’s enough to simply “slander” him - and everything will end favorably... So, in one house he beat cats, threw everything at them. One day he caught a cat and threw it on the floor, and the owner then said: “Why are you doing this? Is it really a bossy attitude? We can’t live without a cat.” After that, the brownie didn’t bother the cats.”
Another popular folklorist and ethnographer of the 19th century, S. Maksimov, writes in his book “Winged Words”: in 1666, an invisible demon appeared in the capital in the almshouse on Kulishki, which was located near the Ivanovo Monastery. There are chronicle sources telling about this story.
“A demon took up residence in the women’s almshouse and gave no rest to anyone around the clock: he pushed them against chairs and beds, screamed and hammered in the corners, uttering various absurdities. Grandfather Hilarion from Suzdal went to war with him and tried to defeat him using the ordinary method of prayer. However, as soon as he starts the evening reading, the devil breaks out: “Is it you, Kalugere, who has come to expel me?” The old man begins to pray at night to expel the demon, when he yells at him: “Once again you burst into tears in the darkness!” And he drums hard and scares: “I’m walking towards you, walking towards you.” But Hilarion was so complacent that after some time the enemy himself praised him: “This monk lives well before God,” and during the unequal battle he was forced to tell that he was called Ignatius, that he was once a man, from a princely family, but his mother sent him to the Devil, and he is unable to leave the almshouse, because it was not by his own power that he ended up here...”
And despite this statement, a couple of days later the poltergeist unexpectedly abandoned his squabbles with Hilarion and, apparently, disappeared from the almshouse. So everything calmed down.
And the modern folklorist V. Zinoviev has accumulated a real collection of stories about clashes between Siberian peasants and real poltergeists. Here are a few of them.
F. Obukhova from the village of Kantik narrates: “There was a house near us. As soon as the hostess goes down to the basement, someone begins to pull off her dress. Suddenly, creaks began to be heard from behind the stove. How the grandfather and the landlady’s husband will hit the head with a brick.”
And here is the story of villager V. Kuznetsov: “At night you hide under the blanket - it begins to fall off you. You reach for it, and it flies into the air. They shit. Either ashes or cow shit will be added to the grub. We toiled with them until someone decided to invite a priest. Father has arrived and is leading the prayer. The people settled down in the house. And the poltergeist threw a rolling pin from the stove at the priest. He got cold feet, and people along with him. And run out of the house in a crowd! And the poltergeist broke the steps under the door - everyone fell upside down.”
Officially, current science does not regard poltergeists as a real subject for study, but some scientists are paying interest in poltergeists for private funds and non-state funding. Physicists, biologists and psychologists are now engaged in passionate debate about the nature of the mysterious, from their point of view, poltergeist phenomenon. But a real, not invented phenomenon is rampant. How to defeat the restless drummer?
At first, the nickname “Barabashka” was given to the creature, which manifested itself by knocking in the Moscow construction workers’ dormitory on Likhoborskaya embankment (as it was dubbed by three girls living in the anomalous room). After a bunch of publications in 1988 and the documentary film “Who’s There,” presented on Central Television in early 1989, this nickname turned out to be the second name of a poltergeist and everything evil.
The essence of the phenomenon is contained in the portion of lifetime energy that remains after the death of a person, which continues to reveal its actions until the loss of its physical activity.
There are poltergeist phenomena that are closely associated with people (mostly children). In this case of a poltergeist, even a new place of residence does not reduce paranormal activity. There is a position that a poltergeist appears during the spontaneous manifestation of telekinesis.
The most famous proposal is that poltergeists are caused inadvertently by a human agent, usually a susceptible female child. Scientists believe that an anxious child intuitively commands objects using psychokinesis, a type of energy generated in the brain. According to the theorists of the Center for Parapsychology at the Rhine Institute of Duke University, The manifestation of a poltergeist is a material reflection of psychological wounding.
But there are also countless episodes when the people being studied do not have the slightest psychological problems and when a poltergeist manifests itself in a home, there are no children or teenagers in the family; Moreover, there are hundreds of thousands of anxious and unbalanced children all over the planet, but nothing forces them to realize the poltergeist phenomenon in these situations. Here theorists think that the spirit of material persons is responsible for paranormal manifestations. However, the essence of such a supposed “spirit” cannot yet be adequately studied, although there is various interesting evidence on audio tapes and similar media, for example, an actual recording of the voice of the Enfield poltergeist.
There are hypotheses that a poltergeist is an expression of the activity of a certain creature living in three-dimensional space, when a person’s activity does not coincide with the required psychological field of this creature.
From the perspective of various religions, a poltergeist is a manifestation of demons or Satan, as well as the unrested soul of the deceased. During the observations, it turned out that poltergeist phenomena that cause real fear force believers to appeal to the support and recommendations of priests.
In the winter of 2004, a poltergeist alarmed the Sicilian town of Canneto di Caronia. Over the course of several weeks, more than ten incidents of spontaneous combustion of furniture and household electrical appliances occurred there.
They began to talk about the intervention of satanic forces, the area of battle with which was a small town on the rocky shore of the Mediterranean Sea.
“I saw with my own eyes how disconnected electrical wires burst into flames. I am not able to interpret this, I have never seen anything more strange in my life,” said a local policeman.
In some cases, the fire spread to nearby objects, so the police had to evacuate almost 40 residents of the city, whose houses burned to the ground.
“Panic begins, residents have to be evacuated from their homes,” says S. Mezzopane, a member of the city mayor’s office. “We are trying to determine the circumstances of the fires, but we still cannot find any reasonable explanations.”
The power company tried to disconnect the entire city from the power line, but despite all this, the fires of devices did not stop. Experts are hesitant to comment on what happened, and speculation ranges from a planned arson to an unimaginable surge in energy in the network.
The Catholic priest G. Amor speaks most confidently about this phenomenon. The exorcist told an Italian newspaper that he had encountered similar phenomena in his time. "Demons invade homes and expose themselves to electrical appliances. Remember that the power of the devil and his minions is enormous."
The Italian agency AGI reported on February 10 that experts are in deep bewilderment: flames are even slipping out of sewer pipes and cut pieces of electrical wire lying on the ground and not connected to anything. The check ruled out the possibility of a connection between fires and electrical lines near the Palermo-Messina railway, which ran right next to the houses, which city residents began to blame for mysterious fires.
On this day, another part of the population was taken out of the city: literally everything caught fire - stoves, refrigerators, radios, vacuum cleaners and even cell phones. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but 12 more buildings burned down. A team of hundreds of electrical engineers checked centimeter by centimeter, but found absolutely nothing. The mayor of the city, P. Spinnato, ordered that everyone be left at home, so that it would be easier for engineers to conduct searches - if, of course, it was likely to at least find something.
The evacuation lasted for more than one day, but did not stop the poltergeist. Now one of the residents' shoes and pants caught fire, and he smelled a strong smell of sulfur. People in horror are ready to accept any, even the most fantastic, assumptions - about the actions of otherworldly forces, about the influence of a secret combat satellite, a submarine, or even about the invasion of an alien intelligence.
There is so much mysterious and inexplicable in the behavior of a poltergeist that this sphere awaits heads who will not only collect fascinating stories, as is usually the case, not interfere with material devices where the poltergeist phenomenon occurs, but will approach the study of the patterns of this phenomenon, as if by psychology phantoms, then to realize what they want, tormented and restless, really existing...
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