Spirits, ghosts. Answers on questions.


 There are many thousands of testimonies that claim that spirits and ghosts do exist. One of the eyewitnesses is N.P. Bekhtereva. After the death of her husband, a close friend began to live with her. They both repeatedly saw the white-as-a-sheet spirit of Bekhtereva’s late husband and even heard his stomping.


The seriousness of the presence of spirits and ghosts near us is also proven by objective readings of special equipment.

At the end of 1991, the English press discussed for a long time the story that happened at the Butterfly nightclub in the town of Oldham. The owners of the establishment, closing the premises, activated, in addition to the security alarm, a video surveillance system, after which they went home. About an hour later, the club's alarm suddenly went off. The police and the owners, who quickly arrived at the scene of the alarm, did not reveal the slightest traces of a break-in. However, the video camera clearly recorded a man wearing a light-colored short-sleeved shirt and dark pants. The man walked directly through the locked door.

This incident aroused a lot of talk. At first, many pointed out that the film was falsified. However, the examination refuted all doubts about its reliability. However, the most striking thing about this incident was that when the spirit or ghost in the recording reached the end of the passage, he easily entered the locked oak door of the cash register, and the moment of the imaginary “break-in” recorded by the security camera closely resembled the moment when the police station was activated signaling.

The British organization for research in the field of paranormal phenomena, in the course of detailed studies, determined that the club was located in a room where many people had recently died violent deaths.

They decided to publish a still from a mysterious video recording from the scene of events in one of the newspapers. The next day, one of the local old men came with a statement that he identified the ghost as his own father, who died in the building of the club that is now located there during renovation work.

All the experts involved in solving this mysterious case came to the conclusion that the spirit of the deceased really existed in the club.

Among the researchers of ghosts and apparitions there are very authoritative scientists. According to their categorical view, the modern inexplicability of many phenomena does not mean at all that they cannot be studied and explained.

Physicists, not without reason, believe that the phenomenon of spirits and ghosts can already be explained today from the point of view of the most modern research in the field of quantum theory. We are talking about quantum inseparability. She does not mean the force, spatial or temporal relationship of particles. Based on the modern concept, elementary particles that once interacted with each other will be united forever, even leaving the boundaries of their interaction. In essence, this means the connection of a person’s energy-informational essence (his spirit) after death with certain points in space or even with certain living people with whom the dead person had close relationships.

At the same time, these quantum relationships have a non-local and extra-spatial essence. Since in these cases matter does not move at all through the separating “familiar” particles, then it, found among them, does not in the least interfere with such contact of particles. And extra-spatial relationships in a linear sense do not stretch anywhere, which means that distances have no influence on them. They are effective at every distance. And if so, then there is no specific time for them. The connection that overtakes light, of course, must be a move back in time.

It is possible to think that this is precisely why ghosts or spirits can easily climb through walls. A ghost is born, eating energy from our reality for its own “materialization.” This indirectly proves the decrease in temperature in the area of its appearance.

An ardent supporter of such a theory is the American physicist D. Carpenter. He is seriously fascinated by such anomalous phenomena as spirits and ghosts. Two features prompted him to do this: data on temperature changes in the area where the ghosts were detected, recorded using the latest measuring technology, and a distant memory from childhood.

When Carpenter was only 9 years old, his father went to a neighboring city for work, and the child and his mother were left alone at home. The next evening, both clearly saw how the ghost of the one who had left appeared in the center of the room and immediately disappeared. And soon they learned that the head of the family died suddenly at the very moment when he was seen in the form of a ghost.

Already as a teenager, Carpenter once had to talk with a railroad worker who (as it later became known) died due to an accident a couple of hours before their conversation.

Through careful calculations, the physicist managed to assemble a generalized phantom portrait of the spirit. But the primary question is how a person can observe ghosts. Carpenter is inclined to Remember that there are three possible options.

1) Ghosts generate electrochemical movements in the retina, from which electrical signals enter the visual center, forcing it to see the spirit.

2) Ghosts achieve a similar effect by immediately influencing the visual center, where the corresponding image appears.

3) The most preferred of all. The idea is that ghosts are able to cause a stream of photons in the space adjacent to them, as a result of which they are visible in the same way as a picture on a TV screen.

Since the ghost always seems to be floating in the air, it means that it actually emits photons that outline the spirit. Thus, the flow of photons will be the result of the transformation of the structure of atoms and molecules. This process will require some energy. It must be assumed that such expenses activate a decrease in temperature in areas where ghosts and spirits occur.

But energy cannot appear out of nowhere. She can only transform her form. It turns out that ghosts and spirits take the energy essence from the physical body at the moment of death.

Unfortunately, Carpenter was never able to find verified data on changes in human body weight per second of death. Someday this problem will be solved, and at the same time it will become irrevocably clear that there is absolutely nothing unusual in the anomalous phenomena that we just talked about today, if they also obey natural laws.

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